Green Wish Orange County Beneficiary and Charities
Green Wish’s Orange County-based chapter supports the following green organizations:
Environmental Nature Center
Founded in 1972, the Environmental Nature Center, known simply to thousands of visiting students through the years as “The ENC”, is a fascinating combination of 15 California native plant communities (ranging from desert, to oak woodland, to fresh water marsh, to redwood forest); wildlife habitats; walking trails; and sustainably designed, LEED Platinum certified learning center. For 40 years, the ENC has been shaped and caressed into a 3.5-acre landscape for learning, a sanctuary from life’s pressures and a place of preservation and instruction. Serving over 21,000 students and thousands of visitors annually, the ENC is recognized as a leader in science and social science education providing opportunities for increasing our community’s knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the natural world. The ENC is a non-profit 501(c)-3 public benefit corporation.
Trails4All is a non-profit organization dedicated to the creation, restoration and preservation of trails and open space throughout Southern California. We help bring trail users together to make the trails we all enjoy better and more accessible, and to create new trails for everyone to discover. There are over 700 miles of natural surface, shared-use recreational trails in Orange County.
Back to Natives Restoration
Back to Natives promotes the use of locally native plants, as well as habitat restoration and preservation by providing service learning and volunteer based habitat restoration programs. Back to Natives also designs, installs and maintains locally native landscapes for homeowners and businesses. Proceeds support our environmental education and habitat restoration programs.
Our Mission: "To encourage and actively participate in the restoration and conservation of Orange County and California wildlands, through education and restoration programs featuring native plants and biodiversity as a centralizing theme."