Last Sunday, September 15, evōx Television premiered the new show “On Begley Street,” about the Begleys and their challenges building a platinum-LEED certified home while living...
Archive for category: Los Angeles Blog
Seeking Schools/Education Partners for EEK-O-Halloween 2013
October is right around the corner and it is time for Eek-O-Halloween once again. Green Wish is looking for partner schools and educators to participate...
Green Tips for Back To School
With summer almost over, the kids are heading back to school! We’ve compiled some sustainable living tips from the Green Wish Board that we hope...
Friends of the LA River Pushing for LA River Restoration Plans
Recently, the leaders of the non-profit LA River Revitalization Corp. announced ambitious plans to create a 51-mile-long bike path and greenway along the river, from the...
Meet the Sponsor: Tailwaggers
Tailwaggers & Tailwashers is “your friendly neighborhood pet food, supplies, and full grooming salon.” Tailwaggers has been a Green Wish partner since the beginning, featuring...
Meet the Charity: Algalita
The Algalita Marine Research Institute, based in Long Beach, CA, was founded in 1994 by Captain Charles Moore to focus on the coastal ocean –...
Go Greener This Independence Day
The 4th of July is around the corner and while we try to be environmentally conscious at all times of the year, this holiday presents...
From the Founder: “My Green Wish”
March 20, 2013 By Raphael Sbarge After the birth of my daughter, I was struck by how strong and good I suddenly felt as a...
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